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Why now is the time to Refinance …

Despite the sometime lengthy delays for refinance times – There has been an increased amount of home loans that are being refinanced…    So why do Australians feel that it’s the right time to refinance??  

Historically Low Fee’s

Firstly, Australians are experiencing historically low interest rates.     Given these, customers are wanting to take advantage and are looking for the ‘best bang for buck’.   Consumers want value with low interest rates, low fee’s and to take advantage of this.


In times of uncertainty, many seek reassurance, by fixing your home loan you have set repayments and a set interest rate, thus you know exactly what your paying and when.    Many customers are also taking the time to consolidate their debt into one easy to manage home loan.

Increase in confidence

Compared to the rest of the world it would appear that Australia has come through the pandemic very well,  with many of those returning to work and many unaffected by the pandemic there appears to have been an increase in market confidence,  with historically low interest rates many are choosing to refinance to renovate or invest in further properties.  

Existing Bank

Sometimes, existing banks just don’t love you like they used to, whether it be that your current lender won’t support your future growth plans, or they won’t compete with the other low interest rates or your just unhappy with their service, loyalty in lending is now a rare occurrence.

Whether it is for the reasons above or for alternate reasons, it is always a great idea to review your home loan every two years.